Where’s the lighthouse?

While visiting friends in NC one summer my husband and I wanted to do something special to celebrate our 28th anniversary so we stayed a few days at Hilton Head Island. It was a beautiful place but it pretty much rained the whole time we were there. The last day was the worst….so Benny (my husband) and I got in the car and drove around and explored the island. We ended up in Sea Pines where there’s a little town built around a lighthouse. It’s called Harbour Town. A beautiful little town. We pulled in to the parking lot and was blessed to find a perfect spot. I think everybody had the same idea as us..”it’s raining…let’s go explore.” Anyway, we looked up and down the shoreline and across the ocean for the Lighthouse and couldn’t find it anywhere. We were about to ask where the Lighthouse was when Benny happened to look up and there it was…right in front of our noses! How embarrassing would that have been?? I’m so glad he found it!! It was then that I noticed that the town was built around the Lighthouse.

It’s funny how we go through life sometimes and just look straight ahead and we live our lives by what we see…how shortsighted that can be. We fret and we worry and we talk about it and we try to change it or fix it, we look around to see if there’s something better and if we just look up, God is there to lead the way.

Anyway…we walked up 114 steps to the top of the Lighthouse. This is not an easy thing for Benny to do but he pushes forward and reminds me, “I’m not dead yet.” I hesitate, knowing what a feat this is for him but go along behind him. With each step I could tell his legs were getting heavier and heavier and harder to climb to the next step. We stopped and rested part of the way and read the information that was hanging on the wall. Finally, we made it to the top! We went outside in the wind and rain and looked out across the sea. It was peaceful for me. I stood there and took it all in…the boats docked in the bay, the beautiful homes peaking through the lush trees, the island across the way, the pier stretching across the waters…it was beautiful to me…even though it was raining and the sky was gray….there was something about being at the top and looking out over the town and across the sea and my hand nestled securely in Benny’s hand that made my heart feel at peace. Thank You Lord, for Your sweet peace.

I think God doesn’t want us to just LOOK up to Him but to COME up with Him. I can see the Lighthouse and say, “Well there it is!” and move on. I can look up to God and say, “There He is,” and know He is watching over me and move on. But when I walked up in the Lighthouse and stood on top I got a better view and gave me a better appreciation of the island. When we take time to be in Christ…to abide in Him…to know Him…He raises us up with Him and gives us a better view. Sometimes we are at the end of ourselves and it’s all we can do to make ourselves take the next step to move closer but it’s worth the effort when it draws us closer to the Lord. One more step closer…one more step…and the view will be amazing.

I really didn’t want to go back in where it was crowded with people in that small area but it started raining a little harder and so Benny and I scooted back in to the Lighthouse and made our way back down the steps. We walked around a little more slipping in and out of shops looking around and checking things out. It was fun but we were ready to go back and get dried off and ready for the next adventure.

Be encouraged. Draw nearer to God…there’s always more to learn and know about Him. The more we know Him, the better our view.

God Wastes Nothing

“God wastes nothing.” Words I heard slipping from my lips as I was talking to a friend the other day.They just came tumbling out. I’m just learning about this…really. Learning to embrace the fullness of life…the good and the bad…the ugly and the beautiful…the happy and the sad.

I just witnessed this the other day as I sat in the church pew with my mother experiencing a family grieving their loss…sad, bad, ugly…but yet hearing the Continue reading

Slow Down

“Hurry always empties a soul.” ~ Ann Voskamp

When I read this I sat in silence as if to prove it wrong in my own life. Yes, this hurried life in which we all get trapped….the merry-go-round that keeps going and going and going….sigh…

I’ve been reading a book, “One THousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. The title of this last chapter that I read was Continue reading

New Beginnings

New beginnings can be so scary but so exciting at the same time. I’ve just recently stepped down from leading worship at my church. In the 19 years my husband and I have attended I have been on the platform for 18 of those years. Not always leading…it’s only been the last 4 years that I had been leading. I learned so much! I am blessed that God gave me this grand opportunity to be mentored by my pastor…a man of integrity and humility and grace. I will miss Continue reading

Second CD Is Almost Ready!

I’m excited to tell you that I have another CD in the making. I am currently working on my 6th song and God is giving me ideas I just need to spend time pulling them altogether so this project can be completed soon. The songs on this CD are inspired by my life experiences and friends’ experiences with whom I’ve walked. I pray you will be encouraged. God is Continue reading