New Beginnings

New beginnings can be so scary but so exciting at the same time. I’ve just recently stepped down from leading worship at my church. In the 19 years my husband and I have attended I have been on the platform for 18 of those years. Not always leading…it’s only been the last 4 years that I had been leading. I learned so much! I am blessed that God gave me this grand opportunity to be mentored by my pastor…a man of integrity and humility and grace. I will miss serving alongside of him on that sacred ground. He has seen all of me…good, bad, ugly and not once turned his nose up at me or looked down on me. He has always been very gracious and loving as he gently shared truth in those times I needed  guidance and the time he poured in to me has made me a better person. Thank you, Pastor Greg Mayo, for encouraging me in my gifts and my walk with the Lord and your commissioning me and my husband in this next phase is a blessing to us both.

In saying all of that, making this decision did not come easy. My husband and I had long conversations. I prayed and prayed. I waited. I asked for confirmation. I weighed out the pros and cons. And then one day in conversation with the Lord I realized it was time. I laid it all down…and God’s peace washed over me.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds for my husband and me. BUT I DO know that I trust the ONE who orders my steps and knows exactly where we are heading. And so I take one day at a time and keep trusting my heavenly Father and learning to hold every day with a grateful heart.

New beginnings are good. Very good. Thank You Father God for new beginnings.